Immunisations, blood borne viruses and infection control requirements for medical students

We will need to review your immunisation status, offer you protection against blood borne viruses (BBV's) in the form of Hepatitis B vaccination and check your status for a carrier of Blood Borne Viruses.

Immunisation history and vaccination programme

Any vaccine-preventable disease that is transmissible from person to person poses a risk to both healthcare professionals and their patients. Healthcare workers have a duty of care towards their patients which includes taking reasonable precautions to protect them from communicable diseases.

Staff involved in direct patient care who have regular clinical contact with patients and who are directly involved in patient care (including Medical School students), must be up to date with the UK Routine childhood immunisation schedule and show documentary evidence of this. Occupational Heath will assess if you require any booster doses based on the documentary evidence you provide on your health questionnaire

Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR)

All students will need to show documentary proof of two MMR vaccinations.

Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV)

In the absence of definitive history of chickenpox,  a blood test for Varicella-Zoster Virus antibodies will be required

Tuberculosis (TB)

All new entrants who have been living or working overseas for more than three months in a high incidence TB country, will be offered an interferon gamma test. 

A high-incidence country is defined as a country with more than 40 cases per 100,000 per year. These are listed by the Health Protection Agency. Visit the WHO's Tuberculosis country profiles for more details.

Blood borne Viruses (BBV's)

The Blood Borne Virus (BBV) testing for Hepatitis C and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is preferable to be performed during the initial stages of medical training, prior to undertaking any Exposure Prone Procedures (EPP's).

Freedom from infection with BBV's is not an absolute requirement for those wishing to train as doctors, however satisfying additional health clearance, which includes determining their BBV status, is obligatory for those who wish to train in specialties that involve EPP's.

Please see the links below for more guidance:

The Appendix in this documents aims to provide you with the information needed to decide whether to give informed consent to being tested for blood borne viruses and to provide answers to the questions you may have about screening. If you require more information or have any queries, you can discuss matters in confidence with a clinical member of staff from the Occupational Health Service prior to testing. Where indicated or requested a separate appointment at the Occupational Health Service will be made.

Hepatitis B

All prospective medical students are advised to commence their Hepatitis B vaccination course prior to them arriving in Oxford. However, if you are unable to obtain or complete the course of immunisation prior to entry, this will be done by Occupational Health once you start studying in Oxford.

Occupational Health will check your Hepatitis B vaccination history and immunisation status and a blood test will be taken for Hepatitis B Antibodies and Hepatitis B Surface Antigen.

Hepatitis C

All students will be offered a blood test for Hepatitis C Antibodies on admission to Medical School.

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)

All students will be offered a blood test for HIV Antibodies on admission to Medical School.

Contact us

Occupational Health Services

10 Parks Road

Oxford OX1 3PD

 01865 (2)82676


Opening hours

 Monday - Thursday: 8.30am to 5pm

 Friday: 8.30am to 4pm


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