Notice of Occupational Health Service Interruption
Occupational Health Service will be unavailable from 25 November to 3 December due to a technology upgrade. For urgent issues requiring a response, contact enquiries@uohs.ox.ac.uk or call 01865 (2)82676. For needlestick injuries, contact John Radcliffe Hospital at 01865 741166 and ask for the Microbiologist on call.
Read further details regarding the closure. Further advice and guidance on a number of health related topics can be found on the Occupational Health website.
University of Oxford Occupational Health has the aim to care about the health and wellbeing of employees and students in their workplace. We deliver services that support the University’s policies by seeking to prevent ill-health and the promotion of health and wellbeing in the workplace.
We work closely with other University departments, such as HR and Safety to help support the University in complying with different aspects - such as health and safety law and employment law, which form part of the University’s risk management process.
News from the Occupational Health Service
Employee Assistance Programme (EAP)
Employee Assistance Programme (EAP)
EveryDaySafe: towards a new safety culture - together